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Separation Anxiety in Pets - Why It Happens and Ways to Reduce It

by Tasha Mitchell on April 11th 2019

If you have recently adopted a dog from a shelter, gotten a new puppy, or notice your pet displaying signs of anxiety when you leave home, you may want to look into taking them to a veterinarian or behavioral trainer to address a symptom known as Separation Anxiety ( the excessive fear or anxiety about separation from home or an attachment figure*). But how can you be sure? The following article will address the cause of separation anxiety in dogs, it's common symptoms, and an effective method to ease the disorder before you ultimately decide what's best for your pet - whether it be home remedial methods or a licensed veterinarian.

Hyperactivity in Dogs

by Tasha Mitchell on April 27th 2019

In continuation to the latest blog post of separation anxiety occurring in canines, this week we will also cover another very human-oriented behavioral problem known as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) that has started to gain traction as a popular diagnosis for hyper dogs in recent years.